Yesterday was a pretty hard day for me. I'm trying to get the hang of asking to go outdoors to go to the bathroom, but sometimes it's hard to remember. I'll start playing with another dog that comes into the store, or I'll wake up from a nap and start doing something and then all of a sudden it hits me! I have to pee like a horse! There's this thing with bells going on at my house and also at Paws on the Corner. Someone will tell me we're going outside to go potty and ring the bells. Then we go out and I pee. A couple of times, I've remembered to ring the bells myself to let them know. Other times, not so much. I had quite a few accidents yesterday and the humans in my life aren't so happy about it.
This morning, Lisa (the owner of Paws at the Corner and Izzie and Aspen) and my owner took us for a walk. I got to ride in an elevator! It was kinda scary and I got some treats for doing it. Then we waited outside Weaver Street while they went in and got coffee. There were treats after that too! When we got back to the store I was exhausted and napped for about two hours. After my nap I played with Izzie, met a sweet puppy named Bella (she was only three months old and she had very nice ears), and took another nap. I really like curling up with Izzie. She's very sweet and soft and warm.

Tonight Mac is staying overnight with us. I like him, but I don't think it's fair that he gets to sleep on the bed and I'm in my crate. I really like the bed, it's warm under the covers, where I like to be, and I sleep so much better there. My human says it should be an incentive to potty training, but as I already mentioned I'm still kind of confused by that.

Mac likes to chase our cat Tiger-Cato (and I do too), but for some reason Mac actually wants to attack the cat and I just like to play with him. Tiger-Cato used to be bigger than me and when he would jump on me it would knock me down, but that doesn't happen much anymore. I wish he would chase me, but he likes to hide and jump out at me with his teeth and claws. For some reason, the world works differently for the cat. He gets dehydrated lamb lung just like me and he doesn't have to sit or anything. Sometimes he's even sitting on the table when he gets it! If I even so much as put my front paws on the table my family yells, "OFF!" at me.

I heard Lisa and my human talking and I think there will be another walk tomorrow. I hope it's somewhere fun!